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Shamanic Healing and Energy Work

A word about Conventional Medicine and Healing...
Alternative Healing and energy work are not substitutes for Allopathic or conventional medicine. Alternatives are educational, not medical interventions and should never be used in place of prudent and good medical care. If you are dealing with the aftermath of childhood sexual, ritual or other serious abuse issues, you should have a therapist in place— especially if your abuse was severe, ritualized, prolonged, violent or shattering.

The Way of the Shaman…Since ancient times, humans have been practicing the way of the Shaman for healing. Shamanic journeys can be accomplished in the presence of the client or without the client. In the multi-dimensional world time and distance have no impact or meaning.

Healing can be accomplished over a distance. Spirit can come in many forms. Shaman’s usually have a few “regular” spirits that they work with.

In my “Soul Whisperer” work, there is a Divine Team that is on standby for work with clients. My Divine Team includes magical, mystical, ascended, historical, contemporary, animal, angel and other beings.

Soul Retrieval… In the case of trauma a piece of the soul can be lost, be taken by a perpetrator, be sent into hiding, or break off in some way and be left behind in time and place. This is often seen in the cases of overwhelming trauma. A shaman working with Spirit can retrieve pieces of the soul.

Extractions... Sometimes intrusions can be embedded in the soul. These intrusions can be in the form of messages received as a child, illnesses that leave residue, negative energies that came during a less-than-objective or calm moment, power or other diversions that stay with a person sapping life force and causing difficulties. Something is taken on or intrudes that does not belong to the client or recipient.

Power Retrieval… When one is accosted by an authority figure or overpowered or overwhelmed by another, one’s power can become lost, hidden or diminished. The Shaman can retrieve the client’s power. Power can be sent into hiding by the client for safekeeping, and can be retrieved by the Shaman.

Healing... Spirit often dictates follow up work that must be accomplished by the client. The client then facilitates his or her own healing by accomplishing the follow up suggestions by Spirit.

Healing is energy in motion…
Basic science teaches that all matter is made up of atoms and these atoms are in constant motion— they vibrate, oscillate, and cause a resonance which can be considered a vibrational signature. Advanced science now teaches that existence is essentially a hologram where all parts are connected to the others and each part contains a blueprint of the whole. The field of quantum physics changes all the rules of science and allows for infinite possibilities and multiple dimensions. Sacred geometry has been found to create spiritual fields with high vibrations.

Spiritually, the higher vibrations are preferred and lead one toward enlightenment which gives rise to a human who has transcended mind and ego and who meets life from the advanced Higher Self or Soul level. Hindu Gurus, the Dalai Lama who is the Tibetan Buddhist leader is one such holy man whose aspiration is enlightenment as are the monks and lamas of many faiths.

Things can be made holy by resonance. A person who meditates, prays or chants daily sets up resonance and attractor fields which draw like vibrations. The sanctuary in a church where people have practiced spiritual rituals will eventually emit a resonance and develop a field that feels special and sacred. Resonance is created by repetition and ritual in places and spaces (including the human body.)

This is but scratching the surface of the new science and is a much simplified explanation. There are volumes of books for those who are interested. Vibrational Medicine, energy healing and other disciplines utilize these concepts and enlist the help of the morphogenetic body to heal itself.

Energy Healing... Can come in many forms. We have many bodies— a physical body, mental body, emotional body, and a subtle energy body. This energy body is accessed as prana (in yoga), as Ki (in Japanese Martial Arts and Reiki), as Chi (in Chinese Medicine), Ti (in Huna and Hawaii). It flows along meridians and nadis which are similar to veins and arteries but are subtle energy conduits throughout the human body. These conduits and their intersections are accessed in Acupuncture by using very tiny needles which stimulate healing energy and encourage the body to heal itself .

Energy fields… Surround and interpenetrate all living bodies, all matter as well as places, spaces, events and so on. We feel these energy fields but sometimes don’t realize that the field is what is affecting us. Biologist Rupert Sheldrake called these fields morphogenetic fields. Other disciplines have called them by other names, for example, the Spirit of a place or thing was called its Manitou by native Americans. These fields can be communicated with, cleared and enhanced.

Pranic Healing: Pranic healing is a highly developed and tested system of energy that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes. Prana is a sanskrit word that means life force. This invisible or bio-energy keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. In Acupuntcure the Chinese refer to this subtle energy as Chi. It is also called Ruah or the breath of life in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.

Pranic Healing is a simple but powerful and effective system of no-touch energy originated and devleoped by Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui. It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a self-repairing living entity that posesses the innate ability to heal itself.

Pranic healing works on the principle that the healing process is accelerated by increasing the life force or vital energy on the affected part of the physical body.is

GeoTran: Geo Tran is a digital, numeric, geometric language that speaks directly to the fields of information of past, present and future. It has been called the mathematics of creation. GeoTran work tests for problem areas traumas of blocks, and uses a digital mathematical system to insert correction codes in the electromagnetic fields of living things. Conditions manifest in the field that surrounds and interpenetrates the body before it actually manifests in the physical body. The body is the "hardware" and the field is the "software" that informs (in-form) the physical. Geo Tran works long distance through dedication techniques.

Usui and Tera Mai Reiki: Reiki is the Universal Energy that flows from the Source of creation to all things. This energy can be directed to flow through a practitioner into a client to promote healing. Reiki must be conferred to a practitioner from a Reiki Master. Reiki works directly on the body or can be generated at a distance using advanced techniques.

Psych-K: A technology that can be used to create balance in an animal or human animal body. It can remove and reinstall correct programs in the human or non-human psyche, bring the left and right hemispheres together in order to solve problems via a whole brain mode, change negative subconscious programming, remove trauma and reprogram beliefs. Psych-K can work on non-human animals with the use of a human surrogate who stands in for the animal. An advanced Psych-K Practitioner can perform balances at remote distances.

Possibilities DNA is another healing modality that works on the cellular level to create new possibilities in one’s life.

Avatar is a program that allows for self examination of beliefs and works with the act of creation.

  • All client information is confidential.
  • In rare cases, Barbara may reqest to consult with her own Shaman teacher and mentor or may wish to make a referal only by client permission or introduction by request.
  • Please do not ask a Shamanic Practitioner to Journey for another person. The work must respect the sovereignty of each individual and their soul.
  • Each individual must consent for themselves. In rare cases where the individual cannot consent (coma for example) Spirit will be consulted and will have the last word. A child under age 18 cannot give consent. Only custodial parents may give permission for a minor.
  • In any situation that is complex or unclear, Spirit will be consulted for clarity and will determine what is appropriate. If Spirit does not approve, Shamanic work cannot be done and requests will be denied.
  • Ethical requests will be honored-- the request is healing or likely to benefit all parties involved. Sorcery (spells, etc.)will not even be considered- ever. Period. Shamans are healers.
  • The work Shamans do is holy. If this work does not resonate with you or your beliefs, you are welcome to seek assistance elsewhere.
(C) Soul Whisperer 2007. All rights reserved.

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